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Moscow, 26 March 2004

Concerning the infringement on trade union rights and interference
by state authorities of the Republic of Moldova
in the activity of trade unions affiliated to the Confederation of Trade Unions
of the Republic of Moldova

The General Confederation of Trade Unions affiliating national trade union centres in 10 CIS countries and 38 industrial trade union internationals reiterates its consistent adherence to the principles of independence of the trade union movement and rejects any form of interference in the internal affairs of trade unions.

While noting the numerous cases of infringement on trade union rights and freedoms in the Republic of Moldova taking the form of flagrant interference by various state authorities and individual employers in the internal affairs of the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova and its member organisations, the 5th GCTU (Extraordinary) Congress expresses its deep concern over the situation that has evolved.

Ignoring the repeated appeals to the Government by the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova, a great number of national trade union centres and different international trade union organisations, the authorities continue their pressure on the affiliates of the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova resorting to blackmail and intimidation in their attempts to split its ranks.

The Congress condemns this gross interference as a violation of the fundamental democratic rights proclaimed in Moldova’s Constitution and Law on Trade Unions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Charter on Human Rights, and in Conventions 87 and 98 of the International Labour Organisation.

The Congress calls upon the Government of Moldova to stop immediately all interference in the internal affairs of trade unions, and expresses its solidarity with the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova and with all union members who defend the independence of their organisations to secure effective protection of workers’ socio-economic rights and interests.