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Participants in the annual STUC Congress
Glasgow, Scotland

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Speaking for its affiliates in the Commonwealth of Independent States, the General Confederation of Trade Union, GCTU, extends its warm fraternal greetings to participants in the annual Scottish Trades Union Congress.

Today, as ever before, the STUC is in the forefront of the struggle waged by trade unions for the vital interests of their members, while remaining true to its rich traditions and the time-tested principles of worker solidarity.

The emphasis this Congress of yours makes on the issues of organizing and motivation to join the unions means that the STUC is intent to consolidate its ranks in the face of the formidable challenges of globalisation and growing neo-liberal tendencies in the economy. We are positive your forum will successfully take crucial decisions on issues relating to the Scottish people’s working and living conditions, contribute a new vivid page to the history of your country’s trade union movement, promote the unity of trade union actions, and help increase the efficiency of your struggles for workers’ rights and interests.

You may rest assured, dear Brothers and Sisters, that both the GCTU and its affiliated organizations will further strengthen and develop the fraternal links with their Scottish counterparts in the interests of workers in our countries.

We wish you a successful congress.

General Confederation of Trade Unions

Moscow, 19 April 2004