The General Confederation of Trade Unions is a regional international trade union
organisation founded 16 April 1992 on a voluntary basis with the purpose
of consolidating trade union actions to protect citizens' social and labour rights
and interests, help secure trade unions' rights and guarantees, and strengthen
international trade union solidarity.
The GCTU currently affiliates 41 trade union organisations with a total membership
of approximately 50 million organised workers.
The General Confederation of Trade Unions is widely recognised at the interstate
level in the Commonwealth of Independent states.
It enjoys observer status with the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, and is actively
involved in the work of the CIS Economic Council, a number of CIS industrial
committees, and other statutory bodies of the Commonwealth.
The GCTU maintains partnership relations with the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
and Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community comprising
Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.
The GCTU cooperates with specialised agencies of the United Nations. It enjoys
regional status for Europe with the International Labour Organisation and
consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council, and is associated
with the UN Department of Public Information.
The supreme authority of the General Confederation of Trade Unions is the
Congress held every five years.